Non-Destructive Cannabis Extraction Systems

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Our low pressure extraction technology produces higher yields than CO2 technology in a fraction of the time at a significantly lower cost to purchase and operate compared to C02 machines. We have breakthrough extraction and purification technology. Our machines are fully automated industrial systems. Our systems pay for themselves very quickly, due to their extreme efficiency.

Liquefied gas extraction technology was developed in 2004 for the pharmacy, food, and perfume industries. Shortly after that, the cannabis industry expressed an overwhelming interest in our technology to better enable them to purify their cannabinoids and terpenes.

We offer two standard system options and the option to custom configure a system. The standard systems differ in size and extraction capacity. Large scale industrial systems can be custom built to spec.

Non-destructive cannabis extraction systems:

  • 20 L to 1000 L vessels= extractions to 8000 lb/day
  • Uses room temperature to process the material
  • Use a fraction of the energy CO2 competitors use
  • Can handle fragile natural ingredients
  • No degradation
  • Process does not produce bi-products
  • Extraction from fresh flowers
  • Terpene profile native to the original cultivator is preserved
  • Terpenes are concentrated in an unaltered state
  • Yields the highest terpene concentration compared to all other methods
  • Yields the highest purity of cannabinoids
  • Extraction process is low pressure, about 30psi
  • This is a non-polar fluorocarbon solvent
  • Full cycle takes less than an hour and is quicker and safer
  • Used in Europe for over 20 years
  • Solvent is recognized by the FDA as being safe and is commonly used in aerosols as an agent for oral drug delivery
  • Lower cap cost
  • No fire hazards
  • No residue in final product
  • Faster
  • Less expensive to operate compared to all other methods
  • No special safety requirements


Icon Scientific can help you understand the important considerations in the equipment selection process. Our non-destructive cannabis extraction systems have unlimited advantages. Liquefied gas extraction technology is a 20 year old proven technology. This technology is a game changer because it is technically advanced, safer, faster and more cost efficient. It is process oriented and provides the highest quality output. We pride ourselves on your results. Extraction system decisions directly impact your success in cannabis extraction.